Sunday, April 15, 2012

Great Respect for Blessed John Paul II

 I have a great respect for Blessed John Paul II, his writings, his sharing on the importance of the Holy Spirit of God in this era -our lives. It played a great part in my appreciating the presence of God in my own life and I guess, I will always be grateful for the insight.

That man is a great saint. In life, he removes borders and build bridges for peace and harmony, in death he manages to reach out to countess people all over the world and work so many miracles. The Lord told his disciples during his ministry years that they too could perform great works of healing and get rid of demons, if they truly believe that the power of God can work through them . For Blessed John Paul, that was the modern day illustration of  that grace ..The late Pope's  ardent devotion to the Blessed Mother and his great faith and trust in God, allowed the working of  miracles . It is the Holy Spirit of God working to make all things possible.. 
The devotion to the Divine Mercy is the personification of Mercy itself. Whoever devotes himself to the Divine Mercy, devotes himself to acts of mercy and must be willing to teach mercy, and be role models. The Lord was very specific when He told his disciples...."follow me and become fishers of man". As devotees of the Divine Mercy, it is the same, it is not sufficient for us to receive mercy on an individual level only, it is not enough that only we ourselves benefit but from the mercy received , but it is required that devotees of Divine Mercy become bearers and performers of   mercy , walking in the image and mission of the Lord Jesus. Reach out with His Love to touch others.

Wasn't it taught that  kind acts-giving , charity and love brings God into our midst?? Peace brethren!!

A Reflection 

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