Friday, April 27, 2012

A pinch of salt

Thoughts for the day.......

 There comes a time in everybody's life when they want the spotlight taken away from them, when they want well meaning friends to stop the background probing, checking and scrutiny.. in case, they are not aware, .that really amounts to invasion of privacy. If a person is not telling, that means he/she  wants to remain private. Allow them that dignity. Respect their wishes.  Do not pry -it drives a person to isolation. Sometimes they just want some peace and quiet so that they could plan and decide on their next course of action...just let it be.  If they want help, they will ask directly for it; others should not try to read  into another's mind - they will end up with all the wrong answers and interpretations and really, it brooks, no good for friendship. We all know what  ASSUME means - yes people ??

Your sincerity as a friend will be questioned., because, tendency is- many dig around but offer no concrete help or do not have the ability to help out.   Knowing is not enough. You must have the capability and the resources to make a difference in another's life, before you go around playing detective. Always remember that. 

Good and caring friends will not force their way into another's private chambers. Instead, they are very much present with their wide and broad shoulders to lend support; and offer assistance, whenever needed, their actions speak louder than words..

Tell me, who wants their nakedness exposed??? You put on clothes, because you not only want to cover your modesty but also  because  there are parts of you, you wish to keep private. That applies to everyone without exception. One thing to remember, your team of "Perry Masons"  are also humans and humans do gossip, don't they, so you may end up doing more harm than good. 

Keep that little pinch of salt in mind. It took Yours Truly many, many moons to pick up that little wisdom and now YT shares it with you.  Cheers!!

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