Monday, April 9, 2012

Love the Forgotten!!

Do you hear the cries of the laboured
and the neglected,
Weathered to brittle bones
and starved to desperation-
Gasps of wind and dust
that's what  fills their crying tummies
Dehydration the way of life
Poverty, the  language of the land
Oh for crumbs, off the dirt grounds
a drop of water!
A ragged garment for my modesty
A little shelter from the  thrashing heat!
Is there any place, I could  lay my heavy head;
my weary frame
Is there any hand who cares to reach out
and hold mine?
I am crying for solace-
Oh, that you smile upon me!

Turn Your  merciful eyes, Oh God,
and gaze upon Your forlorn creatures
In this  forgotten lands of nothing
Where cries of  the sufferings,
piteous in their pleading gazes
call out to thee!...

Can you hear the songs of  woe
singing  from morn till dark?
They long for relief- the nights,
And yet, even the nights
would not  spared them....
Where could they lay their skeletal frames
'cept on  the hard stony  grounds??

Ah!  the joy of  sleep-
Just a short respite! A short respite!
The  touch of comfort-
I long,
a whisper of  tenderness,
that's soothing balm-
on wretch frames so deprived!

The horizon which cries
to be heard ,
Focus your eyes and direction.
You, who live in lands aplenty
Awaken and open your hearts
shower a little charity and care-
Let our voices rise up
in collective prayers,
Open God's ears to the plight
of the  forgotten people
and move these wasted
lands into God's sight and vision!


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