Sunday, April 15, 2012

Filial Piety-Just for the Sharing!!

Yesterday, I was in class, and somehow, filial piety cropped up.  We have all heard of  car-pooling -common, very common indeed-but  how about Fund pooling??==as in children(with income)  pooling their funds -commit a certain amount (as agreed among all  siblings, involved ), to  bank into a special account-for  the needs of their parents and siblings who are still schooling. No matter what, stick to that commitment . I thought how brilliant! We are teaching responsibility, we are encouraging filial piety, and by practising  that virtuous act , the virtues re bounce and will continue to thrive from one generation to the next.  Children respect their elders, and in turn their own children will respect and take good care of them when they arrive at old age door. It is a very karmic cycle.

The wisdom is that parents should never decline any monies given by their children...even if  they  do not need it, always accept, keep it away in trust, save on their behalf ...for the occasion in the future, when they may need it, perhaps  to buy a house, marriage, or or even for that family vocation OR simply keep it away as a golden egg fund, for the times, when your children may need funds for you,. One day, if health should fail you and you suddenly require tens of thousands for knee surgery for instance- your children would have already given you the funds! I thought that was brilliant, real brilliant indeed .

Of course some lovely children may already be walking along those directions, and to that -this Autumer salute you - 
God Bless  and continue with your good works!!  

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