Friday, April 6, 2012

Holy Thursday @ St Anne's Port Klang

Holy was the day, the Lord instituted the holy Eucharist;  the day,  the Lord washed the feet of his disciples as a sign of his  love , as a sign that he accepts them as part of his priesthood, one body with Him, cleansed and worthy to walk in his footsteps.And tonight at St Anne's that meaningful ceremony was brought to life. Those who had their feet washed by  Parish Priest, Father Lawrence, would have been immensely moved by the significance and virtue of that act. It is the memory of Jesus carrying out the act, and it is the words of Jesus -echoing . " If I then, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet." John 13:13-14..

Father Lawrence  was eloquent in his proclamation that there is no other High Priest except the Lord Jesus...those ordained and called to "priesthood" from then till now and afterwards-were there to serve as part of His Body, His church- not as their own entity. Reflections -did He not say-"I am the vine and you are the branches?" and he who abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart  from me, you can do nothing. John 15:5

I have walked through Spring, Summer and now Autumn. I have looked at the picture of " The Last Supper" , a hundred and one time, I have read John 13 so often ...and yet it did not sink in until tonight...that scene from the Last Supper, it is a picture of  God sitting with man ..... God sharing himself   with man....his body, his spirit....and in so doing,  the Lord Jesus, had brought God   down to us, as our Father..., no longer far away and out of reach. We do not need to search for Him any more, He is already in our midst.  Simply and beautifully expressed ...the significance of this beautiful truth kept Yours Truly in digestive and reflective mood, long after mass was over .A thunder bolt of clarity , which left her slightly overwhelmed . Tonight, when YT looked through John 13 again, it has become more meaningful........humbleness ....equality...serving each other and act of love. Truly, the verses of the Bible are living  and continues to teach and reveal more meanings as time goes on and when the time is ripe for our eyes to see more. 

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