Sunday, April 22, 2012

HRC Klang-Senior Citizens Steam Boat Galore!!

It was God first before the HRC Seniors Citizen's makan, makan (eat, eat ) lunch fellowship. So it was- that the whole gang met up for the 11.00 a.m.  mass at Holy Redeemer Church, Klang this morning . After that it was with great enthusiasm that  the 109 golden parishioners set off  to the Senior Citizens Steam Boat Galore at " Mo Mo Paradise"  -Bandar Baru Klang. Don't Play! Play! Seniors are going for a  steaming good time at  Mo Mo Paradise, this year! What could be more fun, than having a eating retreat in Paradise?? Hooh!!!! Come on guys, let's go for it!
And what do we have here??
Ah! the celebrating birthday gals and guys
 Happy  Birthday people!!
Missing someone Rev??

Peter Chan in his usual jovial self
Something different for a change-healthy food, steaming hot, nothing  beats that for warmth!! And that signifies warmth in friendship as well yeah!! What an awesome spread of goodies at Mo Mo Paradise. " Eat to your heart's content, everyone- only do not waste."  That's Peter Chan (VC) of the Senior citizen committee advising his golden friends. But wait for Father Joachim to bless the food first , ya people?

When a burst of song filled the air soon after the announcement, Yours Truly was taken aback  and look up for the reason ..but it was only the Parish Priest blessing the food with active  interaction from the seniors! Novel , interesting and jolly  fun way of blessing food! God is not all  authority, yes people?  He can   be a marvellous good sport too  !!
And we cut the birthday cake!!

The food was really overflowing...we were stuff, I was stuff!! And there were good desserts too, puddings, jellies , ice-cream, cordial.. all free flowing, above what we could eat, honestly! Man!  I just  love steam boat! Just wish I had a spare stomach to fill what the mouth and tummies crave, but could no longer take in!!

And if it were not enough, in  comes a three kg or was it a 4 kg  birthday cake? Gigantic!! The call soon  rang out for the month's  birthday girls and boys. Gather round the cake please!!. Ah! so the Parish Priest was one of the birthday boys as well. Guess what! the cake tasted yummy, even with a stuff tummy, so it was  good, real good!

Nothing beats a gathering like this for some great social interaction and networking, and of course the opportunity of  meeting new friends . You get to bond  with those you already know as well . In additional , there is a bonus pleasure of  knowing, you have company in the great arena of golden people!! So chin up! Keep those thoughts young- people and you will never grow old!!

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