Wednesday, April 4, 2012


 Father David spoke   about showing compassion to all, during his early morning  homily. The listening ears heard but it was his-Father David's  heartfelt  act of anointing  the husband of our lovely sister Rosie, that was so illustrative of the word compassion and care! This golden parishioner  will be going in for his  knee surgery  on Good Friday, and will miss his Good Friday devotions , prayers and worship. No doubt, he was feeling anxious as well. But after the anointment, what struck this blogger most,,, was the look of deep  appreciation on the face of this very young Autumn man and it spoke volumes, especially when an intense  prayer  was sent up  that he returns strong and healed! A message and a giving  of love and care and that was what this golden parishioner  must have felt this morning-the glow on his face, says it all .

We wish you speedy recovery young Autumner and our prayers are with you!!

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