Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday morning with Holy Redeemer Church Klang

HRC celebrated Children's liturgy  this morning. A band of  fresh and innocent youngsters- walked dainty up to the altar with the offerings -angelic and delightful!   Dying as this writer  was to  capture their innocence and pure beauty. on film.....respect for the Eucharistic celebrations  and the Parish Priest calls for restrain... A pity, a real pity indeed -for a lost of  great photo shoot!

For YT, it was a remarkable morning at HRC ,  pure praise and worship became  amazingly  meaningful,  because hymns were sung along the music she was used to and loved. When she heard the strains of familiar music again, it was as though, she had found something precious which she had earlier  lost . She sang her heart out, because the words flowed along so beautifully with the music.....and really something arose within her -reaching out to her God. Strangely, one of the items in the prayers,  touched on her troubled innermost chamber -as though the whole congregation was praying for her  and this morning, it seemed God sends her a message of comfort......

It was a caring shepherd at work this morning - there were  significant pauses,  giving  opportunities for   private prayers. I do not know whether you would agree with YT but  when you are in spiritual need, those pauses somehow translate into healing opportunities...when you call out in prayers and the listening God responds..Father Joachim said -Grace is being blessed  with the ability  to recognise the Lord Jesus in the Eucharistic celebrations , seeing Him in our midst, and living in his image in our everyday lives.  He prays that Christians  would be willing -  living witnesses to our Lord Jesus in our modern day lives-faithful witnesses  who never sleeps but are diligently ready for the Master's imminent  return.. Great food for the soul and let us pray we have the grace of that capability!!

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