Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Be Strong and claim your rights!

I was just reading the Bible , the exchanges between the Lord and the Pharisees and it reminded me that it is not easy to be Christian. The paths are  indeed narrow and few want to take that way if their sights are not set beyond the road- especially as so many highways are now opened and people can travel in comfort and ease and with so much speed!. 

If a man slaps you on one cheek, turn the other...it struck me..how often..we do that because it is the Christian way and yet the love and charity that we showed others could be demeaned as weakness giving others the opportunity to scatter us and devour us. 

Someone mentioned that to follow Christ is to die...and how right he was. Right from the beginning, our Lord was subjected to difficulties and hardship, despite the love, the good he did, the  many miracles he wrought and he always turned the other cheek.

If you were to study the lives of the apostles and the saints...almost all of them suffered horrific deaths save for St. John. Life in Christ is one direction, spiritual purification first , and  sufferings come with it. Others first and I/Me  last. We try to do that, as much as  we could take, until, one day, we wake up and tell ourselves, Enough, is enough!! Being Christian does not mean, people could treat us like punching bags and  when you try to retaliate, they would sneered..."and they say they are Christians  or ..Christian, also like that aah?"  If you are too giving in that sense, do not make a rightful stand or afraid of what people might say, you will be taken for granted.

We have worldly responsibilities and it is expected that we give our duties our best shot, so that the people who rely on us for existence and harmonious living may not be deprived of  that  comfort, they expect. They termed it "being responsible and able to take care of your family and loved ones". Sometimes we must be strong and tell people in no uncertain terms, yes, I'm a Christian and I'm proud to be Christian but that does not mean, I will allow you to walk all over me! The Lord says, I came that you may have life and have it abundantly John 5:40  ..,YT says, .He wants us to be worthy beings, understand the depth of his teachings and apply it wisely and appropriately. So long as we do NO   harm, do  not steal and do No wrong to others...YT says, do not be a weakling-stand up for your rights! Let your voice be heard. If others have a mission and vision in life, so do we!! 

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