Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Seek ye first the kingdom of God-Matt 6:33

Quit searching for the approval of the world. It can be very tiring and you gain nothing but  stress and the Big C . You cannot serve two masters at the same time, that is true, but you can find a worthy balance. Choose permanency-God  first over World-  temporal,second. In living, there is always  temporal needs to take care of , you cannot escape from them, that is earthly -so do not fret, it is part of the living package. 

When you take the elevator there is more to UP or DOWN, you can choose to get off at any floor and do what you need to do then hop back into the elevator and continue the ride to where-ever you want to go. It is all about discerning,  having the wisdom to pick priority,   do the more important over the secondary and the  trivial. . That does not mean, you leave the worldly  needs  completely still give them your attention, but afterwards..afterwards...

People, do you know..that with God, you could be in your pyjamas and he would still look indulgently at you? You do not need to be in your Sunday best to have quality time with Him? You do not need to pretend. He knew you before you were in your mother's womb, he knows your heart, your mind, your very being. Yes, even your darkest and perhaps dirtiest secrets.  Think about that before your mind go dancing around in your own little disco. 

He writes your life story. If you have a problem, talk to him, communicate with Him, have a conversation with Him. If there's no one to turn to, He's the solid mountain behind you; life's best refuge -he's the gentlest  Care Bear, you could cuddle close and find comfort - never leaving your side, rain or shine. You know, the funny thing with having a relationship with God is's more love than trying to please. Funnily, where this kind of love is , the pleasing comes along as well-very naturally, very reverely.   

Seek ye, the kingdom of God first and everything else will fall into place! Time's testimony  that all who travel will eventually see!

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