Thursday, July 25, 2013

Senior citizen mass @ St. Anne's-Wednesday 24th July 2013

St. Anne pray for us
Time to ask for  blessings.
With Fr. Lawrence
Fr. Simon Lebroy 
Do not be artificial, but be true to the gospel and the teachings of the Lord.
The priest spoke about the simple joys we used to have, living among real nature, breathing  fresh air , living with the goodness of God's given genuineness- Real people-the real things of  what we used to have-treasures..

Today, REAL has become RARE and you would have to look carefully beneath the surface. Is that a real diamond or mere glass? Progress has innovated  fakes and the artificial so well that today, these have been accepted as alternatives and fast turning into culture. Like the good priest said, we don't need seeds , there is  bark grafting  and we have come up with so many varied clones of the original. Today, what we need is returning to  the original and that's what our Faith is all about. The authentic is in the Word of God. God's commandments is the light out of the maze of  artificial glory.
Packed church 
I don't know about you, but Fr. Simon really spoke plenty of truth with loads of good humour thrown in.  You know what it is with seniors- the KISS word- Keep it short and simple but that  homily by Fr. Simon  so  enthralled the  congregation  that,.it was like..What?  Finish already? Aiyah! If it were a normal stage, YT for one would have shouted. More! More! but this is a mass service for goodness sake ...Funny thing about the ears, if it is something  you enjoy listening to..even three hours is too short!! 
Food, glorious food!
Do you know, St. Anne brought in the air-cond for the comfort of her fellow seniors? The sky was cloudy before mass and as soon as service rain. No heat..just the pure comfort of cool, almost cold air..some even put on their cardigans. And as soon as mass ended, the rain  stopped on the dot.too.allowing the seniors and all who came to have the lovely hot meal prepared for them.
Hooh! Two long massive queue- people patiently waiting for their turn to yum in the goodies. Worth the wait! Yours Truly stood at the end of the line and had a lovely conversation with a friend . She thinks it is a blessing to partake in the sharing of food. It is the spirit of fellowship, the miracle of friends that makes the offering of food so meaningful!! Catching up with friends, just talking. Hearing people marvel about the simple, down to earth everyday miracles they experience.  Those are  the real things YT should do more often. It really gladdens the heart. Yes, Fr. Simon, nothing like throwing out the ugliness of the fakes to embrace the genuine and the pure goodness found in abundance along the pathway of the good Lord.
Long queue for lunch 
One community sharing
Very touching too the appeal of parish priest Fr. Lawrence - a favour, he asks of us-please pray for Pope Francis..he's on a mission to bring back  lost sheep and he has refused armoured protection and the works. Bless his heart....the safety of the Pope is indeed what we should also pray for in this beautiful season of St. Anne's feast and yet  YT  is sure the Pope walks on Faith ground and he is teaching the world by example that  there is nothing to fear, not when God walks with you!

And -To Allah, my God..we keep faith..let the name we know you by remain our legacy and heritage. Amen!..

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