Friday, July 5, 2013

Mary Do Catholics pray to Mary? -Personal reflections.

A penny for your thoughts-do you care for  pittance for your valuable thoughts? Shall  Yours Truly say then, 5 lbs worth of thoughts?

Since the interfaith brotherhood began, well even before that, Catholics have cringed under the heavy weight  of   criticisms for praying to the Holy Mother. YT  observed how many put their head down-searching for words to justify the honour given to Mary in our church-the Catholic Church of Christ.  Most of these have put Mary into the shadows, so that others may be pacified .  

No, we are not praying to Mary, they say's not like that at all..... Really? Are we so afraid to admit that we do pray to her, because she is the mother of the Christ, our saviour and redeemer-the favoured handmaiden of the Lord God.? She, who conceive through the Holy Spirit? She, whom the angel Gabriel greeted " Hail  Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee?" 

The argument was,  in other faith, there were also mothers and people do not pray to the mothers...People seemed to forget one important point. Where Mary is concerned, she was chosen to bring the Light, the Saviour  into the world.. The Holy Spirit came upon her.and that fact is significant. Her child is of the Holy Spirit -someone divine. The makes her very special = someone very favoured by God. 

And so,  YT ask again. Are we really praying to Mary? YT says yes and yes, we do  pray to her-so that she may intercede for us. And how powerful are her intercessions!! The Holy Mother had always put her Son before her..listen to what he exactly as what he tells you to do.John 2:5. Remember even when he was still in bodily human form, people had began coming to Mary to intercede on their behalf and her son had listened to her, just as any respectful and loving son would do...and lo & behold the water became wine!

So, let us not be ashamed to tell the world, yes, we do pray to Mary, because in Mary, we see and acknowledge the presence of  God in our lives . She puts her son before her and tell us to do the same. Her focus is not herself but her Son=-The Lord Jesus. Because she revered  the Supreme Being of God, she trusted and believe in Him totally, we too have become earnest believers of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We too place God first in our lives. We too glorify the Lord, our God. Hail Mary. full of grace, the Lord is with Thee! Luke 1:28.

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