Friday, July 19, 2013

I glorify Thee, My God!!

The finishing line looms ahead
The check list, tasks yet unaccomplished,
I believe God understands
why I must push on 
and complete the tasks I listed.
It's his expectations,I must meet.
Talents entrusted  me!
They are  part of the plans
He has for me..

Every life  has a purpose
Beyond the family and  home;
the work and the survival-
Everyman has a unique
purpose ...
to hold, chip and mould
their very own sculpture,
And then deliver..

Let me complete the tasks
He asked of me,
Enhance the rich colours,
this  character he created  me!
Let me stand tall and proclaim:
I've made it!
Dear God,
I have accomplished,
each and every task, 
you ask of me!

This  brilliance is all
yours oh God,
The radiance of your powers
shining  upon me!
What I have, What I own,
Does not originate from me
but the generosity of 
Your wondrous  gifts showered upon me!

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