Monday, December 2, 2013

Are you a Hi and Bye Person??

Hi, she mumbled, gave me a vague smile, and hurried on. Hello, says another, her gazed on something else..How do you do.., How are you?? Ah that's better..but the sentences hang in mid air and before you knew it..he had walked away. The polite, Hi and Byes.  We thrive on such social lines, don't we?Sometimes, people in your community don't even bother to give you the  courtesy of a smile, greeting or acknowledgement. They just give you a blank look and pass by you. They can't see you. Ever experienced that?

I ask a friend, do you know so and so? Yes, Friend answered , only very casually, I recognise him by sight but it is only the Hi and Byes..Don't know him that well. We don't hang out. Appears we do have plenty of those acquaintances, in our lives don't we? Know and yet don't know - persons.

Apparently, it is the norm to have  the polite Hi and Byes, The "How are you?," The -"Where have you been hiding?"casual "semi-members"  in our social circle. They make up the crowds-you know something like "film extras" But of course we do have people we want to spend time with , to get to know better. People who click with you so, it becomes  "Have coffee, tea with me?"  The ones, you hug and kiss and then spend the whole afternoon gossiping, drinking and watching football with. . Your comfort buddies, who plump you up, and at the same time have the guts to give you an eye drop or two when your vision blurs. These are the ones, you crown as friends,. The ones, you turn to for  empathy, sympathy and strength.These are the people, who are sincere and caring. You are comfortable with,  in your pyjamas and bare face..

So, how many of such friends do you have,  walking with you people? A handful, a houseful, a busload or none at all? It is interesting to stop and look over your social circle . Place them under the different categories and you have your answer.

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