Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let the Galloping Horse bring in success in Peace and Harmony

The month of Jan 2014 is certainly full of anxiety, uncertainty- cloudy, foggy and misty. To sum it, it is as the Star says, Weary! Downright weary!!We cannot see clearly what lies ahead. On top of rising inflation, the spiralling cost, the forthcoming GST,the impending and  not yet revealed imperatives ... xtra,... There is the  very revered Allah issue,  the verbal sparring ,  the threat to unity and so forth-Sigh!! God find a peaceful solution among your people, else, how could we move forward and survive peacefully? Now we face another crises in the form of  change??? in Selangor leadership. The growing ripple in the lake of calm -will it evolved into a frightful tornado? Most people in Selangor think very  highly of Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. Most would be  sad if he really goes as he has done a job worthy of mention. Of course he has his downside. Everyone has, no one is faultless, but the point is, according to the general consensus,  the percentage of good is higher than the bad. In a people elect environment, with formulated leadership norms, rules and jurisdiction, the public can only  wait anxiously for the curtain to rise and the next scene to emerge.

This is the year of THE HORSE in the Chinese Lunar calender. Can the horse jump over its  restrictive man constructed fence and break through   its very confining enclosures? Can it  overcome existing obstacles and despite the odds, clear the way for a good 2014? Certainly, it hasn't started well but it does not mean, it should continue downhill. Can The Horse halt the down-slide??Horses are known for their exceptional vitality, their strength and their stamina, their push for the success of their target and objective. There are vast plains of opportunities out there, fields and issues to conquer and horses thrive well in the wild and unknown. This looks like a wild year with plenty of the unknown waiting to break out of its cocoon.  So will the General of the year-  the Horse lead  his "soldiers"  out of the maze into more fruitful , solid  and harmonious grounds??? Prosperity and progress are beating the drums for more  harmony.

The Chinese has this good wishes for friends and associates - May the Galloping Horses , bring you thunderous and amazing success. This year, let the focus of targeted  success expand beyond the  material into the arena of   peace and calm of this beautiful nation of Malaysia and the rest of the world. Without Brother Peace and Harmony, you cannot attain happiness. Therefore,how can you have success in your desired field ,  if you are caught up  in the whirlwind of chaos??

My wish for this year of the Horse, is for the smiles of  Peace , the brotherhood and the friendship of this beautiful Homeland I call home. Let the good old days of Harmony return- THEN,  we were able to embrace all people as Friends, as brothers, sisters, without the shadow of  religion, race, colour,  culture, background and status dividing us..People!!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Start the year with God by your Side

##This is the Truth, some would rather not hear or read about, but it is the Truth, Nevertheless!!

Chinese New Year is at your doorstep.  Why  must  you first pay Homage to God on the first day of CNY,  before you begin your  festivities ??

First,Pay Homage to God. Then your eyes can feast on other things, for then He would have bless your sight and your footsteps into the year.

 Filial Piety is the frequent talk nowadays. You can’t help overhearing all the positive and negative remarks and comments-the sentiments! The whispers have become a shout!  How many people are fully aware  that Filial Piety first  start with love, honour and paying homage to God- God who is  the very breath of our Existence??

Filial Piety on earth  is all about respecting, honouring and loving your parents, the  earthly source of your existence. BUT -Above them-parents, above everything -stands God –the Creator and Maker-God is the Original Source of all living beings in Heaven and, on Earth.

God  in your heart, automatically manifest love and filial piety  for your earthly parents , the caring and the cherishment. Parents!! Instilling God into your children is crucial!! It is the gift of light. God  leads you into the light and the good. Whenever  He is with you,  the bad and the dark runs away from you. Positive aura gathers around you and fruitful energy embraces you.

So, People,  Start off your New Year right,  this cuts across all borders, irrespective of your religious beliefs and culture...Remember, your Maker stands  Supreme because  He is God of all His Creation.

By inviting God to stand with you and walk with you, you are acknowledging - His might. You are according due respect , honour and homage  as His children. Which Parent wouldn't be moved when His children openly thank him and declare their love and honour of Him? Having God as your travelling companion, people, things can only be smooth throughout the year. God is the fountain of  ALL good fortune and happiness! And you better believe it!!

Start the  new year right by praising and worshipping God  the start of day and the rest -goodness will fall into place!