Wednesday, January 8, 2014


A friend forwarded me  a compilation of reflections- a series of mirror images which shows the real -the present time - facing the youth of your yesterdays. Memory, Remembrance and that message is incredibly  powerful. The passage of time, the speed in which time leads us through this journey of life. It was only yesterday, you put on your kindie clothes and proudly set off for your first day in kindergarten. Before you knew it, you were in primary school, then secondary, college and then you have graduated! Next came the wedding bells and then cry of your first born....Your spring, went on to Summer. Then one morning you wake up and found this wrinkled person staring back at you from the mirror. Hello! Who is this?? Since when have I grown so old? Reflections flood in, your mind travels back...Sigh!

I smile when I saw those pictures.......indeed it was just like yesterday...when a young naive girl spread out her hands  to the big blue skies to welcome in her first step into adulthood! She was full of life, filled to the brim with confidence. Whee..Weeee! Freedom! Joy!! Haha! What would she give to regain back the wonders and the simple contentment of the yesteryears, where the meanings of such words as worry, anxieties and stress, and of course the AGE  related are only found in the dictionary!.

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