Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Start the year with God by your Side

##This is the Truth, some would rather not hear or read about, but it is the Truth, Nevertheless!!

Chinese New Year is at your doorstep.  Why  must  you first pay Homage to God on the first day of CNY,  before you begin your  festivities ??

First,Pay Homage to God. Then your eyes can feast on other things, for then He would have bless your sight and your footsteps into the year.

 Filial Piety is the frequent talk nowadays. You can’t help overhearing all the positive and negative remarks and comments-the sentiments! The whispers have become a shout!  How many people are fully aware  that Filial Piety first  start with love, honour and paying homage to God- God who is  the very breath of our Existence??

Filial Piety on earth  is all about respecting, honouring and loving your parents, the  earthly source of your existence. BUT -Above them-parents, above everything -stands God –the Creator and Maker-God is the Original Source of all living beings in Heaven and, on Earth.

God  in your heart, automatically manifest love and filial piety  for your earthly parents , the caring and the cherishment. Parents!! Instilling God into your children is crucial!! It is the gift of light. God  leads you into the light and the good. Whenever  He is with you,  the bad and the dark runs away from you. Positive aura gathers around you and fruitful energy embraces you.

So, People,  Start off your New Year right,  this cuts across all borders, irrespective of your religious beliefs and culture...Remember, your Maker stands  Supreme because  He is God of all His Creation.

By inviting God to stand with you and walk with you, you are acknowledging - His might. You are according due respect , honour and homage  as His children. Which Parent wouldn't be moved when His children openly thank him and declare their love and honour of Him? Having God as your travelling companion, people, things can only be smooth throughout the year. God is the fountain of  ALL good fortune and happiness! And you better believe it!!

Start the  new year right by praising and worshipping God  the start of day and the rest -goodness will fall into place! 

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