Friday, January 10, 2014

Observation-Dogs & cats

You rely on a dog to guard and protect your house. A huge responsibility. He is a loyal friend who stands by you through thick and thin and for pittance-just daily feed-and  even then,  sometimes only one meal. . Some people even leave them outside their gate with no shelter during rain or a storm.How inconsiderate!   Once a dog came to my house, barking, pushing his nose against the gate trying to get in. The instinct was to chase it away, until I saw how hungry he was. So we fed him with milk and rice and he lapped it all up.

Then he disappeared. Later, on the way to the shops  I passed by this locked home and saw this dog I had fed only a couple of hours earlier. He was  faithfully sitting outside the locked gate, guarding the house. I spoke to the lady tidying her tiny roadside garden and she told me-the owners were away on holidays but they had left the dog behind to look after the house!! Well! The cheek of that family! Without food? Without shelter? Seems the eateries are nearby and he could run there and eat the scraps from the tables. This lady also gives it bread and milk when she has leftovers. Seems the dog will need to answer nature's call. Outside the gate, he could do that with ease.The nerve of that family! They could have built a  temporary shelter and left enough food and water for such a faithful guard dog.. At least the poor animal would not need to face the cold and the heat, the unpredictable weather! Or, just leave him with the vet, they have facilities for one-two weeks stay or more. It is a matter of the heart and the conscience. People take things so much for granted nowadays!Animals too have feelings and they deserve proper treatment, if you have made them a part of your family.

Funnily, I see a resemblance to the going ons in society. Actually the very loyal and faithful, who worked uncomplainingly do get far less (in treatment, benefits, wages  and prospects ) than people who are aggressive, confident  and stand up for their rights. Don't know if you agree, but seems like people do take for granted nice individuals- those who are less questioning -more conforming.

Perhaps cats are more intelligent than we thought. Don't we just love cats, and  they don't even lift a paw. Cats queen around the house. They  give you that wide eyed  irresistibly feminine  gaze, meows , and instinctively, you bent, pick it up and cuddle it in your arms, while she purrs her way into your heart Adorable and smart!

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