Friday, January 3, 2014

Simple food


One of my favourite food is fried mee hoon (rice noodles) . I prepare it simple- plenty of garlic (chopped into small pieces) and fried fragrant. Next,  add in slices of chicken (boneless)or pork if  you take pork , then some prawns, some chilli, salt, a little black sauce. Finally the meehoon - mix well.

Fry until cooked , then add in the greens. I normally use 'sawi' or cabbage . Some like it with 'tau geh" .Note- if you use beans sprout -'tau geh' best yum it up fast, because it get 'bad' after some time-soggy. If you use, cabbage/sawi  it last until the next day without any problems. Cut your cabbage/sawi -small. Cook just enough for a meal if you do not want to eat left overs. BUT I personally like to cook enough for two meals. Safe time and efforts. Live simple.

If you like-you may pre-fry a couple of eggs, cut them into thin strips and arrange them on the finish product. Oh yes, a couple of red chillies, cut in small rings or in strips add to the colour and the taste. Don't cost much but it is nutritious and actually quite delicious. Mighty  popular with friends and those who come a calling.

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