Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014, a Year of Great Adventures -Be Resourceful People!!

Here, we are!! 2014 greeted me with the roars of cars from the road,( indicating that the world is alive) , bright sunshine and a peaceful calm. Hurrah! Good omens for 2014??We pray that is so.

I'm not going to ask about your resolutions, because I myself have  not made any resolutions this year. It is one step at a time according to the needs and the providence of the year but I intend to take each step  with an inbuilt trust in the above. So, I'm going to ask, how many of last year's resolutions have you kept? So you made 10, but did you manage to keep 5 at least? For those with a tick, congratulations, for the crosses..continue working  on it this year! Do not give up!

Moderation is the key this year. Tighten your belts. I advocate eating in more- more home cooking -there is savings and quality food there, plus the bonus of   family togetherness. Home cooked food are definitely more healthy and nutritious. Instead of spending our time shopping , do something more constructive and useful. Fine clothes and accessories do not make fine living. If you really need new stuff, how about being less conscious of "brands" and "labels". Some of the mass produce clothes are just as quality and beautiful. It is how you wear your clothes that makes you look a million ! Class is how you carry yourself!

Combat the price hike with a change in lifestyle. Now is the time to do more reading. Now is the time to teach children to value money, instil savings, to understand responsibilities. Get them to understand the implications of the price hike. You will be surprised, just how matured they could be.  Go back to  simple living. Simple is good. This year -it is about managing and managing your life well. Forget what others think. Throw appearances to the dumps- garbage it-be realistic and be more down to earth-look after  your private contentment and satisfaction. What you have is more important than what the ego want to show others-remember that!!

Again, have a great year ahead folks!!

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