Saturday, January 4, 2014

Compliments & social lines

How well do you take compliments and how well do you manage social lines?

When you pay someone a compliment, like, "Friend, you look amazing today!" Do you get a simple thank you, you look great yourself. OR the blush, the confused look and then" No see the dark circles under my eyes?". You see someone wearing a lovely dress and it really becomes her and you gushed, " What a stunning dress! You look lovely in it." She looks uneasily at you , then muttered shyly , " Just an old dress,  nothing great." The proper response? A gracious "thank you" will do. If you like, throw in some garnish , " You don't look too bad yourself, you look fabulous too." You could return compliment for compliment but keep it simple. Some of my friends, say a simple thank you and then provide a little husband/boyfriend gave it to me as a birthday present. No hard and fast rule there- the little extra detail, could become a conversation topic.  But do accept compliments graciously.

And what about this particular social line, commonly used by society, "Lovely wife you've got. Wah, your husband is handsome." How do you handle such a social line?

This exchange really took place...After a business discussion with a younger couple, an elderly lady stood up to take her leave. To part on a cordial  note, she said, "you are a lovely couple, then added to the lady of the house .." that's  a handsome husband you've got there" . The  flustered look and then she responded, "you want him?"

Most Malaysians and Asians for that not know how to handle such lines. That line has become a norm and so are similar with the  likes of - "Lovely family you have got there." Accept it as  the truth and a compliment (social lines need not necessarily be just politeness)so just say a  simple thank or laugh/ smile in appreciation. My British friends would respond, "Yes, isn't she gorgeous. OR" 'Thank you, I'm sure he  appreciates your compliment."

Learn to handle compliments and social lines well. In today's living, everything is business and it pays to pick up some social graces. Thank you/s enhances , it leaves a fragrance of your presence.

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