Thursday, January 9, 2014

Of Stepmothers and the Torturers of the young

A stepmother abused her  eleven year old step daughter girl with chilli on her genitals and mouth ! A man kicked the back and abdomen of his adopted daughter daughter killing her.Such horrifying stories is so common nowadays. What is it in humans that cause them such perverse actions, the cruelty  and inhumane treatment of others? Sadists! Sick!They do not care for the pain and sufferings of the young and the innocent! This has become a hot topic in coffee shops and the chit chat sessions among the ladies. Many were just appalled,indignant; mostly disgusted . A woman could be so cruel!!. Some questioned -That stepmother-would it cure her evil streak  if as a punishment, someone does the same to her own daughter?? No, that would be unfair, her daughter is innocent. But an eye for an eye ,  on the perpetrator herself  is worth the consideration. Imprisonment would be too easy on this woman and the likes of her. How about subjecting her to the same treatment, she gave this poor girl, they chorused ? The rationale behind this proposal??-they  who carry out such acts do not know the actual pain and sufferings, until they  suffer it, themselves. Maybe, maybe!!

There are many childless couples out there praying desperately for a child. They spend time, efforts and resources trying to conceive a child. And, people wishing to adopt  a child go through lengthy processes and a long wait before they could bring home a child. Such celebrations when they finally got their wish! BUT Those who are blessed,  just throw them away; as easy as pouring water down the drain. Sad that a  certain  part of society has become so cruel and unfeeling. Do people adopt children to torture them and treat them worse than animals? Whatever happen to love and charity? Question- If a child is not your own flesh and blood, does it mean that you could torture and hurt without any guilt, remorse, devoid of feelings?? It is so hard to believe that there is in humans such a mean and evil streak. Is there karma? What happened to the thunder and lighting, mothers of old, used to warn their children, when they were young. Like-if you do evil things, thunder will roar and the lighting will strike you?

There is certainly a need to cure the mental illness,  that insanity present in perverse humans. There is a need for more psychology studies and a cure. What is it that give rise to such animalistic  behaviour and actions?  I wish the attention of law makers, NGOs and the like would turn to put right -more pressing matters  and the  championing of  the needs of the poor, the defenceless, rather than vain  issues which cause discord and brew storms..  .

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