Thursday, January 2, 2014

Harmony and Safety-the wish list

New Year wishes from two Netizens: Source-The Star-Wed 1-2014

"I wish for Malaysia to be the way it was, when I was a kid. Everyone liked everyone, there were no two ways of doing anything. Everyone trusted everyone. I wish my children and grandchildren would experience it for themselves-Nagamany Govindan

It touched a cord in my heart. So true of the good old days. Basically it is a  Constructed "race"  issue and from there so many negative aspects have arisen. No elaborations needed. Many old timers also  have also commented on the growing racialism in Malaysia.  Good relationship and  harmony does make a prosperous nation. We have indeed lost a great deal of that magical property to live together as one people of a nation. Let us pray for unity and the return of the once a time a time- harmony!

The other wish, I echo is Diana Chin's -"I wish Malaysia will be safe for us to walk the streets again without having to look all around and be always living in fear for your family's safety on the road.".

Many of us eking out a living have no time for a walk or a jog. The only time is early morning before the sun is up and late evenings but those are also the times , criminals and robbers thrive. So, our lazy muscles do not see much movement now.  I remember the good old times, when the  neighbourhood  playgrounds were already buzzing with activities -well made used of by joggers, walkers and tai chi groups at six in the morning.

Today, nobody ventures out until it is bright. What a waste of a beautiful morning when the air is fresh and clean!! Don't even mention the after seven in the evenings.

And on the roads, when we hear the sound of motorcycles, we shrink back in fear. A snatch thief on the prowl?? Peace has gone into hiding. Ya, I do wish for safe roads, safe streets.

With reported cases of robbers climbing over the fences of residential homes, people can't even relax on their own porch after a hard day's work, anymore! Everywhere we see padlocked homes. What a shame!

Do the wishes get actioned by our honourable Elects?

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