Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let none be bigots

I like the truth in  Marina Mahathir's  statement "Strength comes from being educated and in tune with the realities of the world, not living in some fantasy land filled with bigots.(Source-Sunday Star 5th Jan 2014)

 Marina's wish  for 2014 is for more Malaysians to wake up and realise the danger this country is in. A person of clarity who really love her country!

Infact Marina Mahathir is the one who opened my eyes to the fact  that Islam is actually a religion of peace and tolerance ( I read her write-ups sometimes and admire her courage) and she walk the talk when she turned up at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes this morning with some 40 Muslim friends to lend support when some NGOs wanted to demonstrate in front of the church over the "Allah" issue.  God bless their  big hearts.

Back to her statement. That is a call from the heart  to ALL Malaysians -to wake up and do something  about the deteriorating situation in this land of ours.

Everyone need to stop and examine themselves and their actions- start building; and stop tearing down progress and bridges of peace, harmony and friendship. 

This land  belongs to all,.We need each other.  We are part of the same body-same Nation. Let us be friends and work together as one people-Malaysians -and  preserve the wholesome goodness of this land, we call home. Peace people!

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