Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tenants and tenancy agreements

I was always a very good tenant when I was renting a house. I pay on the dot, the payment is always ready within the first three days. I guess I got to thank my very good ex-bosses who pays on time. They  always pay before the month is over and that gives me plenty of time to plan out my following month's expenditure.In fact, sometimes, I have to call my landlords-please come collect your rental.  It is my contention that people rent their properties to earn money , some of them for survival, so we should not give others hardship. As for my own case, I already have my expenditure account laid out and I just allocate and pay off my obligations accordingly. Therefore, I cannot understand why some tenants cannot pay on time and play with  all sorts of excuses to get out of scheduled payment. Why they have a "tidak apa" attitude. Why they do not possess that spirit of responsibility to pay their monthly obligations as they should..

Let's study this case. Tenant A rented a property from  M - the Landlord . A started off well, paying within the first 10 days of the month according to the tenancy agreement; abeitly with some monthly reminders. OK there-compromise is good..

After two years, A started falling behind in payment-from the 10th, she delays to 15th, then after the 20th. Now she has moved on to the next month, that means she is always one month overdue going on to the two months overdue danger mark-code RED. It was up to M to text like mad, because A dislike voice calls. A check with the utility authorities, showed that A had not been paying the full amount for her bills too- just sufficient to prevent the power and water from being disconnected. Payment to sewerage -Indah Water is another issue. The Landlord will have to spend time and effort checking it up. A does not respond to calls and every month a number of  SMSes has to be sent, to get A to pay up. Appointments to meet A, gets buried under -will not be around due to family obligations-the type of excuses,abundant in the 'book of everyday excuses".

The Landlord is soft and very empathic. Each time Tenant A, comes up with " husband is not around story, or  crops - not yet sold."  This went on too often. Then the Landlord decided to force a visit, (without an appointment) A was in and there is every indication, A can afford to pay her rental, big car, good furnishings (good for her) only, rental money comes last - "other expenses" first.

So Guys, if you were the landlord, what would you do?  For a little extra information-Tenant A has been staying for three years now and in all outward appearances, she takes good care of the house. What would you do?

Do you think the relationship should be  strictly Landlord/Tenant  and the  terms of the tenancy be strictly adhered to?

YT's comments.

1) Tenancy agreement is a business deal. Terms are set. You rent at the Landlord's terms and you adhere to the terms as stated and agreed upon . Keep friendship out of the dealings.

2) All utility bills-electricity, water and Indah Water Bills must be settled every month without fail. 2014 sees huge increases in utility  bills. It is very important that tenant do not default in their payment, otherwise the Landlord will have problems later on..

3) Inability to pay on time. If their income comes in after the 15th of the month, which is fixed every month, they should have no problems paying up their rental for the following month within the first three days of the month-so payment before the 10th (as per agreement) should be a breeze . Tenant should be responsible enough to allocate the rental amount for their monthly payment. Inability to pay is a mere excuse. The landlord is being taken advantage of.

4) Looking after the premise is a tenant's responsibility and they should keep the house in the same good state and in the same structure as when they first rented it..

BUT guys out there-what do you think? Are you in agreement with YT??

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