Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

I have never really ask for anything, but this year, I ask for world peace, I ask for  harmony in my homeland, I ask for grace and protection of this Nation. I ask for the spirit of friendship and oneness among all peoples. I ask for good health, strong bones, genuine friendship, unity and contentment, love  on the homefront. I  ask for freedom from oppression , freedom from the  devious snares of the wicked. I ask for all  hands to join together in solidarity and togetherness. I ask that natural and man made disasters stay away from this Nation. You know Santa, we are into harsh times when everything is so challenging; everything seems in the danger of falling apart-we need stronger cement to fortify the very foundation we stand on. We really need miracles and a touch of SantaLand's  magic and that special grace from above.

Am I asking for too much? But you  are Santa right?  I do not know whether one day time frame is sufficient for yourself and your elves to churn up sufficient love, harmony and friendship sparkles to spread over this beautiful land, I call home, of course the world at large but nevertheless, you have to try Santa, you really have to make it happen. PEACE! Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year to one and ALL!!!.

A Smiley thank you Santa! .

Signed :Mother and Citizen

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