Saturday, December 28, 2013

Personal thoughts about broken relationship

Should a person jump into a relationship on the rebound??. Should he/she jump into a relationship just to even up the score? If you can, so can I type of hype.??? Or I'll show you, I do not need you in my life-there are so many out there willing to fill your vacant slot. You do not need to do that! You are alot better than the other person.

When you are in a vulnerable position, you have a tendency to grab hold of anything available -anything that resembles security, no matter how frail. You have the tendency to make appearance work, the false pride rises to the fore. You are  so bent on showing the world that you are doing all right that very often you jump into something, you should really avoid-because that will leave you more broken after  it ends. Sad reality is that- it will end, but not the happy ending as you expected. There are plenty of vultures out there ready to pick out your flesh. They know you need them in your weaken state-most probably imagine yourself in love with them too and will they take advantage of you-ya, make mince meat out of you. I personally knew a lovely girl, an ex-office mate, she was divorced . Unfortunately, she poured out her whole heart to a waiting "beau" ( a Nigerian) . Man! did he make full use of her. She supported him financially, she rented an apartment as their love nest. She gave him everything, medical expenses and he wanted high end health care. She even bought  him a car. She borrowed from just about everyone for him (that's how we came to know of her sad story) All he gave her (or was it more exploitation) was sex at his leisure. When he had enough of her, he just disappeared to Thailand. She was left to pick up the pieces again and of course work overtime to repay all the debts she accumulated. I was so sorry for her and till this day, I have a profound dislike for Nigerians, until my friends tell me, I was not being fair- that was just one big bad apple- but the moral of the story is.....

For those out there  suffering from a broken relationship. Give yourself a breather.  Be aware that everyone make mistakes. Whether you come out of your mistakes stronger and a winner, depends very much on yourself. Hell, to what others think. Others have fallen more than you will ever know. HEAL YOURSELF first. Stabilise your emotions, stabilise the very grounds you walk on. If you need a new career, get one - for a time, at least, keep yourself, very busy-turn your focus to work. Keep your finances stable. You will need your funds. If an man ask you for money in return for emotional support-kick him out!  A responsible man will never do that!!!Forget about the man/woman relationship for a while.Give yourself space-the time to think and reflect, go for a holiday-gain energy. . Use the time to rebond with your family and  loved ones. You will need them. And GIVE GOD A CHANCE.

If you are able to do that, you will come out a winner and others will respect you-all the more. So what? You have made a mistake-the relationship was cancerous- you got out of it so  move on, but move on healthy, cheerful and healed. There is a wonderful world out  there. .Build up a new and BETTER life for yourself!

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