Friday, December 6, 2013

Facebook, social media-Be safe

How true and genuine are the people you get to know in facebook? This radio program I was listening to, happened to receive a  dramatic call in- from a listener just as I tuned in and that got me thinking. They were on a topic, whether parents should control and keep a watchful eye on the facebook exposure and activities of their children. This caller came on air...His name? Of no relevance but the conversation gave me the creeps. He said -it is ok for children to be on face book without supervision. Great! Is he married? No-he is single. When asked his age, he shot back a question. Offline or oneline age? Huh? But never mind...the radio station, played the game. So what is your age online? 26 he said...And what is your offline (actual) age? 54 was the answer. 54! So, why are you on facebook? To make friends and get to know others. So why do you need to lie about your age??  Are you thinking what I am thinking people?

Woh! 54 year old man, pretending to be 26! Hei, People, your prince on facebook could well turn out to be a hideous Frog or should that be Toad??  So is he there to deceive all the innocent boys and girls out there and make pies out of them?   Nowadays, whichever gender, you are vulnerable. Don't kid yourself  otherwise!!

Gosh! so that's how, young school girls and boys get lured into the playgrounds of devious old men!I couldn't help but reflect back on all the news report of runaway girls of 12, 13, 14, who ended up in prostitute dens, with their facebook friends as the pimp. Young boys being sodomised after 'Uncle' treated me to good food and gave me a mobile.  You guys would have heard of such happenings, I do not need to elaborate. . So what other dangers are out there on social media platform? Young people deceived into giving away their personal particulars for the mass production of fake IDs. Children being made used of,  as drug mules? Children, innocently giving away their locations, home addresses, schools etc..and that open them to the dangers of abduction , their homes being robbed..etc..xtra...

Given the dangers on the internet... what do you think guys, should we allow our children to have facebook accounts? If so, at what age? And should they be allowed -free, unsupervised activities? Reflect people!  It is such a borderless world now and you cannot control your kids forever. They must be street wise. One thing you can do is - educate your children so that they do not fall into the traps of others! Teach them to protect themselves.

 Good to be part of the social scene but make sure you do not open yourself to sophisticated dangers out there. I have infact limit my presence. For the connection and be part of the happening scene-yes, why not? It is the norm nowadays but  personal information and private sharing?  A big NO!

I stop there..too much private information and sharing will come back to haunt you one day. Remember on the social media and the internet, Nothing and I mean Nothing is ever confidential or Private..Only shared among your family circle and friends? Think again!!

Get back to the old fashioned fellowship over a cup of coffee or tea, people, it is much safer and more bonding!

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