Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Preserve your little pot of gold, do not give everything away!!

A group of people shared a sad tale with me. A mother fought hard to own a low cost house. She did odd jobs,sold drinks, the big sweep tickets to provide for her family. Her husband had passed on some years, earlier.  The children grew up. The story goes that it was  the daughters who went out to work and help looked after the family. The daughter bought a house and the mother  and daughters stayed together. All's  well and good. Then the mother was -persuaded to sell the family low cost house- that's when  the troubles started. The daughters felt that the son, who had not contributed to the family upkeep should not be given anything, but mothers being mothers, has love for each and everyone of her children, so she gave a portion to the son, who accepted it gratefully. She did not keep any portion for herself, believing that all will be taken care of.

Now a grievous friction arose among the siblings. Ties became  strain, very strained indeed. Most heartbreaking of all,  the daughter who had been providing all this while is now on war path with the mother. She had refused to speak with the mother nor want to see her. Problem is, the mother is now staying with her and has no means of her own. Where could she go? She is a white haired frail woman of eighty, with nothing for herself.. Again the story goes, when the daughter who works out of the country, returns home for her regular visits, the mother has to be out of  the house. She has to look for  temporary charitable shelters for the period the daughter is at home. What has the world become ? What  becomes of ":when I was young, you took care of me, you lead and guide me every step of the way. Now that you are old, I will take good care of you...I will lead you, I will cherish you throughout your days??"

Money, inheritance..whatever the amount-it breaks up families.

There is a moral to the story-no matter how much, you love your children, do not give ALL to them, while you are still alive and kicking.. Leave a good portion for yourself. You will need it. Best be financially independent and not a penniless dependent.

Many are blessed with children who takes care of parents until they breathe their last. But again, many have children who have a poor sense of direction. They have a poor immune system;  the pollution and poison of human living easily get to them.They are easily persuaded into  the dark alleys instead of the straight and bright road.. Wink of an eye-the good changes to selfish. Unpredictability of life-you never know what tomorrow brings. So, stay awake and be watchful!!

Many who give everything away, before their time is up, found to their horror, there is  NO  more recognition and love in the eyes of their children. They find themselves alone..working to fend for themselves  in their twilight years -their children no longer cares. So, people, please preserve your little nest-keep something for yourself . Be wise.

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