Friday, December 27, 2013

Responsibilities in a relationship is a man's honour.

Should a man provide for his woman and his family? This question has come up over the holiday period. Should a man be a real man, beyond the sexual thing? I'm taking the Asian perspective. I'm looking at it in the Asian context. For Asians, the honour and responsibility of being a good man is being able to provide and take care of his woman-his wife and his family. Some of you may say bah! you are behind times, but people, we are not anywhere in the Western world-Denmark, Sweden, America where women have such a strong mind of their own -perhaps due to their financial ability to do so,but here, in Malaysia -in our Chinese and Asian culture, a good man, a good husband is still somebody who provides and takes good care of his family. The care  list is basically simple- see to the financial, emotional health and needs of the family and home -be the soul mate, the listening ear -the strength and the comfort-be the hope and future of your wife and partner . Some people may leave the spiritual out but to YT Spiritual strength stands tall. God must be in the centre. God must be there and everything will fall into place..

Men- can you be a real man and fulfil that list??? CAN DO???! If any man wants to be in a relationship with a woman and expect his woman, his partner, his" love"  to foot the bill, provide for his wellbeing -he is a scum-irresponsible-garbage!!!

SISTERS-wake up - you cannot survive on fresh air, sunshine and sex alone.You still need to eat.. Sorry to be blunt but you need money for the basic survival and you need to work your butt out to bring in the money. ( Nowadays, in our households, both husbands and wives contribute. That's fine-that's good) But we are talking about something else.  Our society is going "out of marriage" borders and that's where the concern is.

Would you allow anyone no matter who much you love him to live off your blood and your sweat? Remember as a woman , he would still expect you to gratify his sexual needs. Sisters, if you are still asleep-wake up. Get him to provide and care for you as long as the relationship is on and if there are children-out of the relationship- financial support goes beyond .  I personally do not approve of sexual relationship outside marriage but if you are somehow caught in that situation, through a twist of circumstance-I will not be judgemental. Let no one be judgemental. We cannot see what others are going through. But Sisters-do not allow any man to fleece you-if he does- than he is not worthy of your love. Cut ties-start anew= there are plenty of good and strong men out there. It would of course be wise to stay off relationship for a while , while you get back your bearing. You see the good when there is clarity.

It is dangerous to jump into a relationship, which will leave you more broken later. Never ever allow a man to drain you of your financial resources. Never allow him to take away your confidence-amd take advantage of you-just because of the temporal emotional support!! It must come in a genuine, worthy package..You are beautiful, capable and worth a trillion!!Remember that!!

This was a discussion and this was the conclusion we came to- guys. No need to get prickly. Good man fills the earth but there are some bad apples, we would like to warn  our children and our loved ones to steer clear off. Good men out there-as good husbands and fathers, I'm sure you will also agree with our findings and conclusion.. Cheers!!

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