Thursday, December 5, 2013

Good children are aplenty. God bless them all!!

Someone told me, you write as if there are no good children in this whole wide world. No people, there are good children in this world, plenty of them. My friend Linda is one, my cousins of Methodist faith who loved their aged mother to bits  (she lived way past 90) is   another and lots more. Another friend Mary, looked after her mother in law until she passed away in her eighties. This lady is remarkable. Her husband passed away just five to six years into her marriage after fathering two children. She was then only in her twenties, Though the mother in law had nowhere to go, (since she was  a widow with only one son,) my friend Mary did not ill treat her. On the contrary, she gave her plenty of love and cherishment. . My good friend Zahani , loved and cherished her mother..She  showered so much love on her never ceases to  amaze me..

There are good children, very good children, fact I always thank God for my own children but I am a writer who writes to bring in awareness and I will never stop writing about the human elements if it helps to wake up others for their wellbeing.  I draw the line on politics and my own personal issues. Politics bore me and I'm a very private person, so private matters are all archived in my private chamber.

People, we've  got to remember, we are living in a very human world where there is the Ying and the Yang, the night and the day..even in the best of humans, there are two sides, the good and the not so good. Don't  open yourself to the harsh elements. Have a refuge place. Remember this is a very materialistic and challenging world. This is a very unpredictable world. Protect yourselves,  be well  prepared, so  that you will not  fall into any  potholes on the travelling paths.

Whatever your belief and religion-If you are so blessed to travel upon smooth, beautiful roads, thank the good God, but there are others out there who are not so fortunate. Worse still, they sleep walk and end up homeless beneath bridges and pathways in their twilight years. . Let's throw some warm water on them and wake them up, so that they take better care of  themselves. That way, even if the fields are barren, at least they still have the little that they  had stored away, to warm their stomachs and  keep them out of the the wind and the cold.

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