Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Muslims and Christians can live in PEACE

This (funny???? or malicious) thrash came in through the mail. Watch it people, if you thought that is funny, that is the end of brotherhood between Muslims and Christians. Forget about the interfaith talk. If you think that is funny, that is the end of Christianity.

 Do you know why? That is the highest form of propaganda, using malicious catchy lines to brain wash children-do you see the child sitting on the lap of the Fake Santa? That is the face of innocence, the devil wants to exploit.   If you do NOT want your children to grow up with the belief that Muslims will overrun Christianity,  constructed  fear and unease weighing them down-the erection of walls and hostility-JIHAD against this type of propaganda! No religion teaches violence, no religion bombs another( all religion is good, it is the bad apples who give religion a bad name) -all paths leads to one God, because there is only one Creator. 

Would the Creator encourage warfare among his peoples?? Would the Creator wage war against Peace?  People, if you want our children (both Muslims and Christian) children to grow up smiling brotherhood and harmony with one another- peace on earth-banish that thrash out of the cyber world, and from the eyes and ears of our children. At least, highlight the dangers of such "jokes".  Come up with a purer version just as catchy  which shows the love and charity all religion possess and teaches-togetherness, the virtue and value of peace and one Human Race. 

True Muslims do not murder, they do not destroy; they are God conscious people just as True Christian act love and  build bridges  of peace and care. God is love, God is unity.

That "catchy" propaganda is aimed at children, even adults, because when you listen to it often enough, they seep into your mind and a huge divide builds up. It is a highly dangerous weapon-the poisoning and pollution of the mind. Do not take such "trash" lightly. Yes, yes,  I do see the satire, I see the sarcasm as well -but most people especially children takes it on the surface and it becomes a belief. Such fun lines, do not bridge, they do not harmonise BUT widen the gap. 

People what do you want to see? Children of all nationalities and religion holding hands as friends  or  the death of Peace and humanity?? World peace is no longer a matter of colours and culture, it has progressed into religious beliefs and practices. Spare a thought! 

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