Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sixth Sense

Is there such a thing as sixth sense? A strong compelling sense of warning? When you could like, feel the sadness in another? When a loved one bleeds inside her and cries to herself, and  somehow you could  feel it too? Does sixth sense comes in,  then  to help avert a disaster and bring in healing? When you wake up in the morning and there is this very profound message to pray for another? A persistent whisper that someone is in trouble and needed help?

Again, I ask, is there such a thing as sixth sense? Sometimes it could be pure nerves, a panic attack of sorts, if those dreadful feelings surround someone very close to you and those feelings arose out of pure anxiety and nothing more. But when it involves someone a little further away, a good friend, even family members  like a nephew, niece, uncle, aunt etc..perhaps, it would be wise to pay heed to the "unusual odd feeling", especially if that person had gone through a rough patch and trying to keep balance. A cry for help. Would you ignore the call of a broken heart? Could you at least look beyond her "extreme" behaviour , her harsh words and try to empathise? Maybe that person feels alienated, lost, hurt and yet bravely  moving on. Isn't it time, people around her, people who matters to her, look beneath the hard shell to see the real her; how bruised, she really is  -then surround her like a fortress and lend her strength? Right now, all she needs is understanding, privacy and some space to do her thing. The tempest is still raging within , help her find the calm- be there for her.

This Christmas, my heart is touched by a lovely person, who needs help. She is an amazing  superwomen . Fren, sometimes, us women, must let others take care of us, especially the menfolks. Allow them their responsibilities. You know, Fren, Life is a journey, full of challenges. No one knows exactly how we feel, except ourselves. No one can feel our pain, so we have to be strong for ourselves. There is no one to help us, we've got to scale the mountains by ourselves I do it with the help of God. Don't worry about the religion thing. God is in every religion. Turn to Him. You will be surprised how He  brings peace and  clarity into your life. How he showers the strength for you to move on and in the right direction. If you are ever in trouble, let somebody know. It will ease the burden and the caged in feeling.It will prevent malicious and wicked people from taking advantage of you.

 Everyone goes through rough times. I went through tons but I turn to Him in trust. One bad relationship is not the end of the world. Stand up and show the whole wide world, just how capable and resourceful you are but recognise that you need family members around you. One word for the family members-be understanding and caring and do pray for the people in your lives.

People, it will not take you a minute but it will make a great difference to my good friend Somebody,  if you could send up a little prayer for her that God watches over her and shield her with grace and  protection.

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