Monday, December 9, 2013

The story of the Old Man and the Old Woman

The other day, we had a most interesting discussion in class-the story of the Old Man and the Old Women who came to earth for a visit and at the same time set the perimeters for  earthly living ,  knitty , gritty of life.

Then came  the ultimate, all important decision.  When a man dies, should he die forever or only for four days , then he comes back to life??  You know the decision made people-we are living that now- once dead-you remain dead forever. But what do you think people, if you were given a chance to sit on that table of decision making? How many are in favour of death as a short rest, how many -once dead, you remain dead?

Imagine a world of old man and old women, the immortality of the wicked and the bad. The rich, getting richer. The poor  getting poorer without any escape, without any relief, except for a short rest of 4 days. What a pain! Will the sick  continue to live in sickness after returning to life  or  will  people get a new body etc..xtra??

Imagine the world bursting in its seams with reproduction and the aged unable to pass on? Imagine the world on its knees trying to carry all that heavy load! Imagine- a world running out of food with all those people hanging on, unable to leave? Imagine immoral and sinful activities running out of control...imagine gangsters, murders living forever, imagine oh, so many things..

I must say, after all the considerations, there is wisdom in the "die forever" decision. Life after all is a journey and at the end of it, we must all return home. Death in a way gives  balance-a body decays and pass on, to be replaced by a new emergence, but even then, ..... shortage of food, water, and living space is of so much concern, they talk of conquering Mars, the Moon and the search still goes on...

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