Thursday, August 29, 2013

A generous mind and spirit willingly and not out of compulsion or  reluctance; that 's the call- Whether it is the religious, or the secular  do it because you want to and not because, you were compelled or it is the right thing to do-an obligation. The pure unselfish act  opens blessings  and    providence  in abundance that  you have  sufficient  to carry out your good works. 

Cheerfully give, for your cheerfulness  flows outwards with the impact,  the power to uplift another,  and in many ways inspires them to emulate and do good to others. generating more good. Goodness glorifies God and God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians .

It is a good feeling just knowing that the giver wants to- his good deeds is out of his heart, that he is not made to. And you send out a  message..I am able to..I have sufficient to share.  When others raise up their eyes to thank God for the angel in you....God in turn blesses you! 

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