Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sincerity comes from the heart.. Good deeds does not need advertisements nor loudspeakers...If a person goes around  broadcasting his "good deeds"  over "national radio", it is probably for self glorification  with no notable sincere intentions to the cause. 

Empty vessels makes a lot of noise  but at the end of the day, the hard work is done by others who quietly go about their tasks. We are living in an inflated environment under trying times and people try their darnest to outdo each other for the credit and approval of the world they live in. It is all part of the day's job. PR is the new buzz  word. Be "nice" on the lip front, forget your heart-forget how you really feel. "Hate the toenails out of him, but what to do? He is good butter for my bread." We have become very superficial and materially inclined . Today's smile is merely a upward twist of the mouth without the attached feelings/ Sad but true. Not everyone who smile at you is a friend. That's the reality of today;s living.

Oh, good old sincerity and goodness still exists, only you need to look for them under the haystack.But is there a way, we could reverse the trend.. that is....instead of looking..let's just start practising it ? That way, their existence grows and perhaps we could bring some healing into our environment. Wishful thinking? 

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