Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Someone once said that baseless Complaints puts you on reverse gear. Forward motion, is checked, pulled back -and you even have to find a way to stop your car rolling backwards.. Do you know that  positive energy get intimidated and shrink in size leaving a vacuum for the negative  to  take over, once  complaints and discontentments are allowed to gather momentum?  Complaints actually stops the smooth flow and reigns in your progress.. creating a bottleneck. If  your do not loosen the knot, more rubbish gets trapped around it and you will have a real situation.  Careful there.

We have all heard that thankfulness snowball into more thankfulness, but do you know that complaints begets more complaints? It is like a cancer cell, gnawing and pumping up in size each time you feed it with negative ions. Purge  dissatisfaction from self as much as possible.. Better still keep positive energy around you all the time. Instead of complaining, try to see the more positive side of every situation. You;ll be surprised how much brighter the world becomes!

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