Monday, August 26, 2013

Money in itself is good -not the obsession

For the love of money is the root of all evil..and yet money is the just reward, the  wages for good work done, that man may eat, survive and raise their family, and go about their business in life productively. Money in itself is not is has  good use... a tool for living...the maintenance of life.. a catalyst to work hard ,deters one from idleness, a means to progress and advancement. 

What then is the root of all evil? It is the  obsessive   love, the excessive craving of money wealth that puts one on the relentless pursue of it without a regard for other aspects of living-health, relationship, family,spiritual attainment, friends and so forth..

Every quest, every movement becomes  a $ sign. You are a machine, a slave of money - without a heart and soul thus are controlled by the elements of the illusionary world and that could lead to dire circumstances.

Good living comes with the ability to recognise the point of  contentment and satisfaction and the ability to harness it and that brings in the peace and harmony, because you are able to convert it into sharing with others in your living world. You are the master, the controller.The opposite leads to ultimate loss of peace and happiness, because it is more centred on material possession and self- A slave controlled by the elements of the material.

Strangely for all our love of money and security...without peace, happiness and love in our and life too loses its meaning!

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