Monday, August 19, 2013

Life is a Race

Do you know that in a race all runners compete, but only one receives the prize? 1 Corinthians 9

In a world where trillions and trillions thrive, everyone has been given different races to compete, according to their capabilities and abilities? . If you do not get a prize the first time, do not be discouraged. No one wins all the time, but everyone is given a chance to win their race at particular times.

The race for survival is a continuous process.Competition is a part and parcel of every day of living.Comfort zones are temporary relief centres, for you to take a breather and rejuvenate your spirit, after which you have to move forward-  learn new skills to conquer many other terrains, LEST  you  become obsolete -a monument - a structure without life. 

In the course of living, there are two race categories, every man  participate in, ..the .race for the perishable, to feed their worldly needs and obligations and it is imperative  as a human  and the second...or should it be the first? ...the race to attain spiritual wealth ...the fight to stay on the right course that keeps you close to  God and  journeying  is always about maintaining a good balance to live life well  and yet know your way, to return home safely. 

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