Thursday, August 15, 2013

Rise above the tough

Have you noticed just how much stronger you become, each time, you rise above self pity and  start making use of the power in you to get going? Only when you are forced to, will the best of you emerge to bring you victorious across the victory line.

Despite,  the many challenges and stumbling blocks, somehow, you stay afloat. Slowly but surely, you recover. You know that you have to be strong, you have to be resourceful and you have to succeed no matter what, if you want to  survive. So you mobilise the tough, and got it going. Remember how exhilarated you were, when your finally succeeded?  Sometimes, the cruelty of others start the flame burning and that propelled  you forward to be somebody. In fact for many people, if it were not for the twists and sometimes,  uncaring attitude of others, they would not be what they were today.

It was said that , if you push someone off their  comfort seat and  make them  hungry enough,   they can become extraordinary. Every person has it in them to be super duper  when the need arises. . No one goes into the dark tunnel and remain inside forever. Their survival instinct will rise to the fore and  find the way out for them. Tackle the tough! You are made of stronger stuff than you think! 

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