Sunday, August 25, 2013

Faith & Dreams apart from works & deeds is dead

A man is justified by works and not by faith alone. Faith must be active along with works and  be completed by works apart from works is dead...derived   from James 2:18-25

As the body apart from the spirit is dead, so are faith ,dreams and aspirations without the works, the actions, the doing. ..How often do we dream dreams and keep on dreaming..not realising that dreams in its dormant state is useless-worthless!They vanishes as soon as we awake. They are clouds and images of desire and wishful thinking, dispersing with the puff of the wind, or remains just a fragment of our imagination in the backyard ....lifeless!

The conquerors of dreams are those, who put on their workmen's clothes and put their tools to work with great grit and determination, not giving up until they attain realism-the state of being and even then, keep working to fortify their entire structure, keeping it in good and strong maintenance  and  though storms and hurricanes strikes, it stands unperturbed,  solid, firm and living.

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