Thursday, August 1, 2013

Basic Facts of Control & Submission.

Control and submission are two key  words which applies to and defines living.  It is a continuous process-be in control and be controlled. Submit to the will of others or have others submit to your will.  It applies across the board, at home, in school, college, at work , business circles, social and community and or whichever religious faith group you belong to. Sometimes, they call it guidance, sometimes-management ,sometimes it is called law and order, discipline. sometimes it is just teaching and straightening. 

It is a life old practice, since the beginning of times, a part of living and there is nothing wrong with that if applied correctly because someone has to lead, some one has to speak and others listen and follow.We cannot have everyone talking all at once. What a havoc everything would be..everyone would be just be running around in circles. It is difficult for achievements and goals to come in when everyone just talk and want to have their own way. Sometimes, same level is not workable when it comes to getting the engine started and working smoothly -forward to getting the best in, up and about, flourishing. FACT!! 

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