Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Make it your mission to achieve your vision.

I tell you, that to everyone who has, will more be given; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. Luke 19:26

Over the years, the  parable of the talents grew in beauty. Each time, I read it, fresh insight seems to speak to me. Once upon a time, there was this irritated questioning....didn't he say..blessed are the poor ,the weak and the meek? Why is it then,  that the rich gets richer and the poorer gets poorer? Worse still....the frightening words..."even what he has will be taken away." Mighty unfair and contrary to teachings., I used to fumed. 

But as the years rolled by, I realise...."more" is given to him who has because, he/they are the doers and do not sit around waiting to be fed. The doers are  those who put into action their vision, and makes it their mission to gather and plant more for good  harvest and so their wealth multiplies...They never say die. More often than not,  the "have nots"..moan  .."I don't even have  sufficient for daily survival,  how can I buy more seeds to plant more? " 

I am inspired by people like Loh Boon Siew who was so poor..he had to wash buses to supplement his income after his other works are done, He wasn't afraid of manual work and sweat. In fact  he  totally  maximised whatever little resources he had using  his brains and energy power to improve his lot. He  never received a formal education and yet..what a big "towkay" he became!

The Lord's parable makes so much sense really have to work-to give your all, and in a sense take risks  in order to receive.. get moving -your energy, your hard work...your determination, tap into rise up above your lot. Each time, you receive good, be very appreciative and give back a little. Somehow it flows in a circle accumulating more goodness to return to you.. Closer to home and the ground. -you must be willing to be an active and positive part of friends, family and community, be appreciative of their presence, and reciprocation flows in abundantly. Certainly the one talent, buried away...will remain insignificant and of no increased why shouldn't it be given to someone else who is prepared to enhance it for the glorification of its master? 

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