Friday, August 23, 2013

The power of Faith and Beliefs

The greatest subjugation to slavery of any kind is fear. Evil makes use of fear to make a mockery of you;  those with ill intentions create fear in your mind  to make easy preys of you. They use fear to  conquer you-, to overpower your inner strength and shuts off your fountain of confidence so that you could be easily lead into their cages- a slave to do their bidding.

Faith and belief in God is the antidote, the ultimate  power which releases you from captivity, from the poison-your mind was subjected to  and sets you free -forward towards the right course- the paths, you should walk in..FREE...your own person.

Religion is not for nothing-it is there for SOMETHING, for a Good Reason .. The Fortitude of Religion is deep faith and belief in the powers of the Supreme and that FAITH AND TRUST  is the beacon-  the saving grace which enables you to see, discern  and  break  free from the many pitfalls and imprisonment, you have fallen into.

 Each time Fear invades..dissect, examine, analyse. If there are valid reasons..correct and fortify yourself,.....if its is all in your mind-PURGE.,Strengthen your mind. Focus. In all things and all all times, have a private and intimate conversation with God. Clarity and resourcefulness comes faster and you survive better with a friend by your side. .

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