Friday, August 2, 2013


I met up with a friend at the most unlikely place, yesterday-the outpatients waiting room of the government hospital and I tell you people, happiness is the unexpected warm greetings and the opportunity of  a little chat a lot more than the usual "hi and bye, how are you?" formalities we begrudged others  before rushing off to do our million and one things.  I learnt something extraordinary, about the person of my friend...she is actually quite amazing. Full of love and care for her ailing mum...she brought her mum for her regular check up and fresh supply of  medication. AND...she is actually very friendly and warm beneath her usual cool and polite   self.  They always say that the person who love and honour God will probably be loving and caring to their own parents!! That's Christian upbringing.."Thou shall honour your father and your mother"... and their own children will probably give them the same love and care later on in life.

I also learnt my friend is a lot more qualified than what I make her out to be and she speaks intelligent.. I had a hearty laugh when she told me, she didn't know I had the writing thing in me..Actually it began.. very young...started with  great love for writing essays, went on to William Blake, Shakespeare and the classics. I was into English Literature and my favourite -was critical thinking.. Mrs. Tee my Sixth Form  English teacher was a quite an expert on  the" how to" of Critical Thinking.

 When I was in my lower primary school, I remember telling my siblings the story of Pink Roses and that story somehow  grew from seed to a huge oak tree. They enjoyed it and kept asking for  more and I kept expanding and dressing up the  frame..Never thought of writing it down. I was just a story narrator.  I can't remember the twists and turns of the story now, but I remember the great pleasure it gave me just putting life into the characters I created and the rapture on the faces of my younger siblings as they listened to the story..

As I thought about the things past and present, all I can say is -God sure has a wicked  humour and he teaches patience and of course he has a way of  turning your  memory back to your first  love..Perhaps, I should go back and re walk the story of Pink Roses. It would make great reading for children.  I left that great love for writing for other more wage worthy pursuits, only to find at sunset, I am more in love with it than ever  before .That is Me.

 God has written plenty of dramas into my character but somehow, he has added  a twist to my story..He has lead  me out of the maze of worldly obligations and brought me face to face  with the heart of me again at  sunset. You are the creator, and I can only walk along the strokes of your pen Lord......the conclusion is in thine power!

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