Monday, August 12, 2013


FOR THE SUPPORT OF A GOOD FRIEND WHO WAS CRUSHED WHEN SHE DISCOVERED THAT THE PEOPLE WHO SHOULD BE PROTECTING AND CHERISHING HER WERE THE BADDIES  BEHIND HER MISERIES AND SUFFERINGS. Sometimes evil makes use of our best friends and our loved ones to get at us..but do not lose strength, just keep moving forward......protect yourself, do not be so trusting and open all the time. It is ok to keep a part of yourself private, there's is no need to share everything. God Bless!

Let deceit be condemned, let the tongues of those who lie and deceive the trust of others be forever muted, for they have done grave injustice to Love , for their own selfish gain. They are thieves who vandalised the pastures of faith and broken the  hearts of the trusting and believing! Oh, Greed! Self Ambition! How you destroy the peace of others who believe in you! How you demean the might of God  as you theft and plunder through the peaceful pastures of  others!

You gobblers of evil doers, you inflicter of miseries , you devourer of your neighbour's sweat and gains.. You who down-trod those unable to defend themselves -the weak and meek. Do you no longer fear God's power and might?  Is He no longer your God that you  go about your lawless ways?

Do not  for granted take  His patience and love. Surely, patience rains thin and His wrath shall rain fury on your evilness and what you have, vanishes in His scorching  fury! Not only yours, but the providence of your generations! They say the sins of the father affects the sons. Be aware!

Stop prying over-much into the private chambers of others. Stop curtailing the freedom of others! Stop stealing from others! Stop obstructing others! They too have a right-of Will, peace, goodness, fertile soil upon the passage of time!~

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